Illustrated Interview: Inside The Mind Of James Jirat Patradoon
Sydney's premier goth speaks.
Mad Love
February 21, 2018

By Andrew Yee & Chris Yee //

James Jirat Patradoon wasn’t born like the rest of us jabronis.

Rather he emerged from a neon-lit Lazarus pit of mist, magic, and thumping synth chords. That’s what I like to believe anyway, as it would be an all too fitting origin story to one Sydney’s most influential, prolific, and original artist/illustrators.

Jirat’s influences are sewn into the DNA of his work, in any one piece you can see homages to Japanese anime, pop horror, 90s fashion and the occult, all rendered in clean lines and flashes of neon and monochrome. We asked the dark prince of pop himself about his long career, his illustrious body of work, and what his wrasslin’ gimmick would be:

From the Hydra Exhibition, RVCA Gallery, 2014

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Romeo Eternal

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