Summer Bright Lager’s Summer Sessions: Get Familiar With Doolie
Hitting the Sunshine Coast this Sunday!
November 2, 2017

All good things must come to an end.

Summer Bright Lager’s Summer Sessions tour is wrapping up this Sunday afternoon, where Middle Kids & Cub Sport will be playing their sixth and final show of the East Coast trek at Sunshine Beach Surf Club. Opening things up will be local Sunshine Coast songstress Doolie, in just another accolade for the emerging pop talent.

2016 saw Doolie win big at the Queensland Music Awards, also releasing her debut single ‘Pristine’ and the equally excellent ‘Exhale.’ Come 2017, her new track ‘KØLD’ is only a few weeks old, and has shown a more pensive side in the singer’s growing repertoire.

Ahead of this Sunday’s show, we chat to Doolie about Avril Lavigne, the Sunshine Coast and what to expect from her in the future. Read below, and head down to Sunshine Beach Surf Club this Sunday. Facebook event details here:

We heard that you used to sing Avril Lavigne songs on your toy microphone as a child. What was your Avril anthem of choice?

The classic ‘Sk8er Boi.’

What do you think about the viral conspiracy theory that Avril actually died and was replaced by a clone?

Ha, I did look in to that and thought it was a very interesting theory, so I followed it for a while (I’m into conspiracy theories) and then when she released that ‘Hello Kitty’ song, I was convinced then she was a clone!

How do you think growing up on the Sunshine Coast has influenced your approach to music?

Growing up by the beach, everyone was into beach culture and I wanted to do/be something different. I didn’t really fit in with the surf club cliche of girls, although I have many as friends. I found my passion in music and pushed myself to perform/write songs and to ‘get my music out there’ on the local scene – I just didn’t want to be mediocre.

What do you think is the key to writing a good pop hook?

Being able to write it so that people can relate to it and to get it stuck in your head. And writing about personal experience is a good way to connect to an audience.

Who are some of your dream collaborators you’d like to work with?

Definitely Aussie artists, like Flume, Peking Duk and Cosmo’s Midnight.

Tell us about your single ‘KØLD.’ should we be expecting more from Doolie’s darker side?

I wanted to write a song that made me feel empowered and I wanted for people to feel that too, and it came out quite dark – more than I intended at the start – but I’m really happy with it. Since then, I have been working madly writing songs and yes, they’re bangers, and dark and bad-ass!

What are some of the guilty pleasures in your current playlist?

Hands down, old school Mariah Carey, and a little bit of Christina Aguilera.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I definitely love doing what I’m doing and on a bigger scale, like on the main stage at a huge festival.

It’s going to be the best way to start summer ??????

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