Interview: Deuxronin Invite You To Their Apocalyptic World With ‘Notorious’
The Sydney duo return.
April 4, 2018

Rap duo Deuxronin may be from Sydney, but their creative output throws you into another world of its own.

The duo have built up a solid social media following thanks to their apocalyptic vision, crafting their own fantasy space dominated by samurais, warriors and barren landscapes. Here, Deuxronin are the rapping anti-heros who dropped their first single ‘Kamikaze’ back in October, and now they’ve returned for a second hit with ‘Notorious.’

Seeing as Deuxronin are shrouded in so much mystery, we shot a few questions their way to see what they’re really about. Read below and give the brash ‘Notorious’ a spin:

How did the concept behind Deuxronin start?

Ra Kitano: It’s been three years since we had our vision. The word ‘Deuxronin’ means two lordless samurais, it aligns with everything we stand for. We both believe in not ‘serving a lord’ in any modern kind of way.

Monix: We put an end to some old creative pursuits independently. It goes further than the question… we naturally gravitated towards each other’s vibe. We both believed in not following the establishment in any sense. Not being oppressed in any aspect of life that makes you… you.

You guys built up a solid fanbase and aesthetic before you started releasing tunes. How was the transition into music?

Ra: The transition was as powerful as we expected because we knew the power of mystery… there was some mystery amongst the fans. We knew the Ronins didn’t know the extent of our movement, so it was like something of a profound and rewarding discovery.

Monix: Being unique… being the ‘outsiders’ isn’t something that is limited to the style we had. We found that magic in music together since the beginning. We got an overwhelming response to that transition. I feel we that we got to express ourselves and provide an experience on an even greater level.

What do you think you offer different from the current Australian rap landscape?

Ra: We’re using our creative skills to give an other-worldly experience. We envision ourselves as gatekeepers to liberation.

Monix: We have a philosophy. We create an experience like a something out of an anime movie. It’s a movement that goes beyond mindless entertainment. We saw our fans feeling empowered calling themselves Ronins, our fans really knew they stood for a cause bigger than music and fashion.”

Tell us about your new single ‘Notorious.’ What do you hope people will take away from the track?

Monix: First and foremost, I want our fans to be empowered. Think senses. It goes beyond the surface. Look deep. Secondly, I want them to be able to see our raw calibre like that of our generation’s giants. ‘Kamikaze’ was our grand entrance. Notorious follows with an emotional gospel about breaking the chains.

Ra Kitano: To truly express yourself without adherence. There are some crazy visuals for the track, but it’s even more about being the example to go beyond limits of any creative expression.

What’s on the cards for Deuxronin for the rest of 2018?

Monix: To release more content on every level that ourselves and our team can execute. To strengthen and expand the Ronin culture globally. That being said, we’ve got another single ready to unleash. Quality and consistency is the aim for this year.

Ra Kitano: To infiltrate and conquer.

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