Bernie Sanders Is Backing Cardi B Running For Office
Big endorsement.
January 15, 2020

Left image via Billboard // Right image Stephen Maturen/GETTY IMAGES

Whilst he’s busy on the campaign trail for the upcoming Demorcatic primaries, Bernie has taken time out to respond to tweets from the stripper-turned-rapper.

ICYMI US superstar Cardi B took to Twitter a couple of days ago to express her interest in becoming a politician, creating a bit of a uproar, with fans backing her and detractors questioning her qualifications for the job.

That was then followed up with Cardi tweeting how she understands that she would have to get an education in order to run for office:

US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders, who met with Cardi B back in August last year, has since spoken to TMZ, stating that he believes she’s got what it takes. He cited her life experience as one of her major strengths. “Cardi B is deeply concerned about what’s happening in the country. She knows what it’s like to live in poverty and struggle, and it would be great for her to bring that experience to politics,” he said.

Now, we’re not saying that Cardi wouldn’t make a fiery and passionate leader, but look where throwing a celebrity in the most powerful position in the world has got you, America… Still, Cardi 2024 has a nice ring to it.

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