Earl Sweatshirt Drops Surprise Project
Just in time for Mothers Day.
April 29, 2015

The Odd Future MC drops ‘Solace’ a ten-minute long mini EP dedicated to his mother. Another surprise from Earl Sweatshirt, coming only a month after releasing his latest album I Don’t Like Sh-t, I Don’t Go Outside via Twitter.

‘Solace’ was released via Youtube just yesterday, with the message “Music from when I hit the bottom and found something”. Streaming as one long track the EP flickers with heartfelt vocals and jazz-tipped beat changes. “When they drag me out the gutter,” he rhymes. “Mail the ashes to my mother.”

Earl Sweatshirt had initially discussed the project with NPR back in March, revealing he’d set up a home studio and made the EP for his record-collecting mother who made headlines when OFWGKTA collective first emerged in 2011 – for shipping Earl off to a Samoan military academy. Stream in full below. With all seemingly forgiven, the EP drops just in time for Mother’s Day and ahead of his headlining performance at Splendour in the Grass. Stream in full below.

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