Iconic Skate Brand SMP Just Relaunched To Send You Into A Timewarp
June 3, 2016

If you grew up in the 90s, there’s a huge chance that you owned at least one SMP item in your wardrobe that you begged your mother to buy for you.

There’s also a huge chance that you wore three quarter shorts, a canvas belt, a flexifit cap and flipped off elderly people at the bus stop while listening to Pennywise on your discman. Since emerging in 1991, SMP took over California and eventually landed their garments on the backs of skaters and rambunctious yahoos here in Australia. While other skate brands like Supreme have diversified their products and garnered a huge market outside of board-riding sports, we haven’t heard from SMP for a minute – until now.

Yes, that’s right:SMP is back, having just relaunched their website and offered a few items for all those nostalgic feels. The tees feature big, bold logos with an undeniably throwback touch – and we have a feeling that anybody wearing these in 2016 is sure to raise a few eyebrows. The site even offers a few answers to the question that has plagued mankind since the dawn of time – What does SMP actually stand for?

We have seen a few cutting edge hipsters going back to the days of wallet chains and carabiners – maybe this SMP resurrection is the next step. Can we ask everyone once more to start bringing back canvas belts? Check out the new SMP right here.

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