Artist Of The Week: Hockey Dad Construct Festival-Ready Anthemic Fourth Album ‘Rebuild Repeat’
Presented by Boost Mobile.
Words by Abbey Steanes June 14, 2024

Image by Chris Frape //

Needle right inside the groove on Hockey Dad’s fourth album Rebuild Repeat.

Despite having putting out four albums, taken to the biggest stages around the country, amassed millions of streams and garnered critical acclaim over a ten-year career, it’s hard no to think of Hockey Dad as the fresh-faced duo from the Gong.

Made up of longtime pals Zach Stephenson and Billy Fleming, the band have never lost that energy and passion that has spilled into their music for the past decade since they exploded onto the scene with their Dreamin EP.

Though their songwriting skills have sharpened, the production has gotten a little bit bigger, and they’ve even purchased a couple of suits for themselves, Hockey Dad are still Hockey Dad, which is exactly what we’ve come to love about them. They’re stalwarts of the industry but feel more like those cheeky cousins you don’t see enough of.

Well, today, we’ve got plenty of them to soak up with their fourth record Rebuild Repeat finally hitting earholes around the country. Punchy, melodic and set to a slightly-faster-than-swaying tempo, it feels like it was made for mass sing alongs at big venues.

“’Rebuild Repeat’ as a title kind of describes the process of making a new record as a band,” vocalist / guitarist Zach says. “You only have yourselves as raw materials. You knock down what you had from the past, re-design, rebuild it and repeat. Hopefully you learn some structural integrity tips along your way.”

Hockey Dad will start their Australian tour with a SOLD OUT show in Perth on Friday 21st June at The Rechabite before heading to Adelaide on Saturday 22nd June at Hindley Street Music Hall. Then it’s over to Brisbane on Saturday 29th June at The Fortitude Music Hall, Melbourne on 5th July at Margaret Court Arena and finishing in Sydney on Saturday 6th July at the Hordern Pavilion. Tickets here.

Artist of the Week presented by Boost Mobile.

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