Artist Of The Week: Party Dozen’s Chaotic Fourth LP ‘Crime In Australia’ Is Here
Presented by Boost Mobile.
Words by Harry Webber September 6, 2024

Party Dozen once again fail to disappoint.

And who would they be disappointing? It feels like the band, which is made up of Jonathan Boulet and Kirsty Tickle, aren’t overly concerned with what you think, or what I think, which is probably a bi-product of – or maybe the motivation for – being a two-piece rock band that’s made up of a drummer and saxophonist.

That said, Crime In Australia is fun ride. It feels like the duo have pulled you aboard their rusty Datsun and are driving you through the middle of nowhere to commit dirty deeds – your head is swirling and you’re too scared to ask them to pull over. Just climb the fuck aboard and shut up for a bit.

The album has a few twists and turns from previously released singles; the shoegazey ‘The Big Man Upstairs’, the up-tempo ‘Money And The Drugs’ and the bouncey ‘Wake In Might’. Tracks like ‘Les Crimes’ which sways between LCD Soundsystem energy with this breezy sax line, and the off-kilter groove of ‘The Righteous Front’ stand out amongst the drone and distortion.

Along with the record they’ve dropped a clip for opener ‘Coupe De Gronk’ which is every bit as fun as the tune itself.
Reuniting with Directors VERSUS (Tanya Babic & Jason Sukadana), with whom they previously collaborated on ‘Play The Truth (Live at Sydney Opera House)’ and ‘Macca The Mutt ft. Nick Cave’, the clip sees them roll around town collecting cash and (kinda) cracking skulls.

“The brief for this clip was Party Dozen Debt Collectors – unhinged and unlikely. We’re not violent people, so in lieu of actual violence we had to be a little more creative with the enforcing. Tanya and Jason captured the perfect mix of delinquency and humour, with clear nods to classic Australian gang films and old crime shows with that hazy smear of motion film.”

Following the Australian shows (dates below, tickets here), the duo will be touring Europe with Amyl & The Sniffers, before heading home for a tasty slot at Meridith in December:

Sep 20 – LAUNCESTON – Junction Arts Festival
Sep 26 – ADELAIDE – Crown & Anchor
Sep 27 – MELBOURNE – Brunswick Ballroom
Oct 3 – SYDNEY – Oxford Art Factory
Oct 5 – BYRON BAY – Bowlo
Oct 6 – BRISBANE – Black Bear Lodge
Dec 7 – MEREDITH Music Festival

Artist Of The Week presented by Boost Mobile.

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