Artist Of The Week: Teenage Dads Want To Be Controlled In Sophomore LP ‘Majordomo’
Presented by Boost Mobile.
August 23, 2024

Image by Alex Wall //

Teenage Dads cement their status as torch-bearers of naughties indie rock.

And that’s a heavy load. But it seem from their sophomore record Majordomo, the group are up for it. The LP is full of moody, guitar-led tracks that straddle the line between darkwave and sugary pop, a happy place for a band that is more than just catchy melodies and anthemic choruses.

But what is a “Majordomo”? “A Majordomo is a person whose job is to make arrangements or take charge for another: someone who runs the enterprise”, the band says of the new record. “We wanted to take that word and explore themes of control: how sometimes you might be the majordomo seizing the day, and others you are falling from the sky in a box, unable to do anything”.

The album opener ‘Boarding Pass’ sets the tone immediately as the band *ahem* take flight, with the tune sounding like it easily could have been a b-side on Is This It. “From quite early on in the recording phase we all agreed that ‘Boarding Pass’ should open the album … Not only do the opening guitars feel right as an opening but as a whole, this song feels like it captures sounds from all points of the album; it’s vocally anthemic, the guitars rock out yet they also lay back at times and there’s even some worldly percussion in there.” the band says.

“In the context of the lyrics, the song begins with the flight crew addressing the passengers before take off so that kind of literally represents us preparing the listeners for the rest of the album.”

It’s gonna be a fun one to experience live, but ‘Spiders’ was clearly made as a gift for the fans with the band pulling out all of the tricks of the trade to produce a live set standout. From then headbang-ready beat through to bubblegum lyrics and a wild instrumental section, we can see this one will be going down a treat when the band head out for their tour across AU and NZ – tickets here.

Check out the dates below and be sure to buy/stream Majordomo from our Artist Of The Week right here.

Artist of the Week presented by Boost Mobile.

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