Bono Opens Up On The Time Obama Got Him So Drunk He Passed Out In The White House
The commander and chief (bartender).
Words by Amar Gera November 3, 2022

Cover image via DENNIS BRACK-POOL / GETTY / Article images via White House Historical Association // 

The President and Bono walk into a bar…

Barack Obama has long been regarded as one of the coolest Presidents in recent years, his annual Spotify playlists, hilarious public roasts and his overall swag helping to cement public adoration for him across the world. And now, it looks like U2 frontman, Bono, is singing his praises as well, with the veteran rockstar opening up on the time the 44th President of the United States got him blackout drunk in the White House.

Speaking on the escapade in a recent interview, Bono opened up on Obama’s bartending skills, explaining how the former President mixed him a bunch of strong cocktails that the two indulged in together. However, things went sideways when Bono’s salicylates allergy (chemicals found in numerous fruits and veggies) flared up, causing the Irish singer’s “head to swell up like a balloon”.

Another side effect, however, was Bono’s passing out, which resulted in Obama looking for him in the White House, despite Bono’s wife’s assurances that, “He just has to go for these sleeps, he’ll be back in 10 minutes.”

However, old mate wasn’t back in 10 minutes, with the two eventually finding him asleep in Lincoln’s room in the White House, with Bono explaining, “There I was in Lincoln’s bedroom, asleep, fallen asleep in the bosom of Abraham himself. He just woke me up and laughed. The president laughed his head off.”

Despite the role of the allergy in Bono’s passing out, the ‘With Or Without You’ singer insisted that Obama still has a heavy pour, which sounds about right for the coolest politician in recent memory. Although there’s no video of the incident in question online, check out U2’s 2009 performance from the White House below.

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