J.Cole – 2014 Forest Hills Drive
Dropping December 9.
November 17, 2014

New J.Cole Album set to release this year.

There was some chitter chatter made earlier today that J. Cole would be releasing a new album before the year finished. Those predictions have been confirmed. Now available for pre-order on iTunes2014 Forest Hills Drive is officially slated for a December 9th release date, putting Cole head-to-head with Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter V. Remind you at all of the 50 Cent- Curtis drop vs Kanye West- Graduation drop back in 2007? (Kanye ended up destroying Fiddy’).
In addition to providing the pre-order link via his official Twitter page, Cole also released a short documentary announcing the album’s release and concept. The project will produce no pre-release singles.

Vibe the new album artwork above and check the video below. Let the countdown to 2014 Forest Hills Drive begin.


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