New Study Finds Listening To Drake Makes You A Slower Runner
Jog on.
Words by Tom Disalvo December 15, 2021

There’s a lot of things I could forgive an artist for, but prolonging my daily (ok, biweekly) run is not one of them.

According to a new study from clothing company Pour Moi, music by Canadian rapper Drake is the least conducive to a speedy jog, with researchers finding that – although expansive enough to soundtrack 15 marathons – listening to Champagne Papi’s catalogue increases joggers’ runtimes by almost 15 minutes. 

The study, which monitored 60 runners and their corresponding exercise playlists, found that Drake’s songs add an average of 21 seconds to every running kilometre, a surprising result given the rapper’s well-known ability to “[run] through the 6 with [his] woes.” Other artists who elongate runtimes include Doja Cat, BTS and Katy Perry, the latter of which was unrelatedly found to make people’s ears bleed. 

On the speedier side of the pavement, the study ranked Beyoncé as the most fleet-footed artist, with her songs said to shave off around two minutes and 45 seconds from a given jog. Other hype men included Harry Styles, Brittany Spears, and Kanye West. While the study will no-doubt help those already jog-inclined, it’s yet to confirm whether any artist is capable of getting my ass off the couch…so keep an eye out for that.

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