Premiere: Julia Why? Get Anthemic On Droney New Single ‘Holden On’
Hooks for days.
Words by Harry Webber August 13, 2019

Julia Why? once again prove to be masters of 90s-flavoured indie rock.

Following on from singles ‘Starman’ and ‘Pocket’, Sydney trio Julia Why? have today returned with another taste from their forthcoming sophomore record Hysteria! in the form of shiny new sing ‘Holden On’. Grungey, graceful, and vivacious it encapsulates everything we’ve come to love from the mind of Julia Wylie and co with a sense of effortlessness that can only be earned with years of experience.

Hitting us with Wylie’s dreamy vocals backed by verbed out and gritty guitars, the tune feels like it could easily slot into a My Bloody Valentine album, before – we’re calling it now – dropping the best bridge/vocal hook of 2019. Only after the song fades out do you realise you’ve been on one hypnotising ride the whole time. And like most rides, as soon as it’s over you want to get back on.

“I wrote ‘Holden On’ when I was living in a paper-thin walled apartment above a guitar shop, the owner of which was my neighbour who fucked really loudly in the bathroom during his lunch breaks most days,” Wylie says of the track. “It was comically bad. Plus, I was heartbroken and reconciling how sex is shaped by our past and our politics.”

You can catch Julia Why? launching Hysteria Sunday September 8th at Marrickville warehouse Create or Die. Be sure to get yourself there, as we’ve heard it might be their last Sydney show for some time! Follow them on Facebook here to stay in the loop.

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