See The Tweet That Started World War Three Between Outkast & Beatles Fans
Oh god.
April 9, 2021

So true though…

Twitter is being set ablaze by a new debate, taking a break from the political and more heavy issues for something more lighthearted; specifically, comparing two legendary music groups. The acts in question are none other than Southern hip hop duo Outkast and one of the most influential bands of all time, The Beatles. Seems like a pretty random combination right? We agree, but comedian Ron Funches saw through the Matrix the other night and felt compelled to bring it to Twitter’s attention, starting World War Three online.

Writing online, Funch wrote “When society admits OutKast is better than The Beatles then we can truly start healing.” This naturally poured the gasoline, but what lit the spark and turned Twitter into a blazing inferno was when Outkast themselves re-shared it. Odds are they don’t really care and are pre-occupied with their own lives, but in the words of Drizzy Drake, ‘You don’t know what you just started.’

And it seems that The Beatles didn’t do too well in the ensuing Twitter debate, countless people comparing songs from the two duos (with Outkast consistently coming out on top) along with many criticisms of The Beatles’ large similarity to the blues artists before them.

Pretty hilarious and random. Check the carnage below.


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