Sia Forced To Apologise After Confusing Nicki Minaj And Cardi B
Oh no.
June 16, 2020

Left & right image via Getty / Centre image via the //

Two rappers that definitely don’t want to be associated with each other…

World renowned singer/ songwriter Sia is in hot water after mistaking Cardi B for Nicki Minaj on Twitter, and of course people are just a bit upset by the blunder. The ordeal started after a fan sent Sia a picture of Nicki Minaj in a now-deleted tweet, asking if she would be down to collab with her, with Sia cringely replying “I love @iamcardib and although this isn’t a collaboration, I would love to COLLAB with her any day!”

Fans were quick to pick up on the mistake, starting the hashtag “#Siaisoverparty” in response. However, Sia was quick on damage control, tweeting “I totally misunderstood a tweet earlier that has resulted in me making a buffoon out of myself. Sorry @NICKIMINAJ and @iamcardib if you hear about it. Can I just like you both?”

Pretty cringey stuff, check out some of the responses to the blunder below.

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