Video Premiere: New Towns Clown Around In ‘Circles’ Video
Lads enjoying a laugh.
Words by Harry Webber July 27, 2018

WA’s New Towns show us they know how to have a good time in their clip for hooky jam, ‘Circles.’

There’s nothing worse than a young band that take themselves too seriously. If you can’t have a bit of a laugh at yourself or each other than you’re probably not going to enjoy the music industry on the whole. That’s why it’s refreshing to see indie-rockers New Towns release ‘Circles’ – a catchy AF tune with a chilled AF video from their debut EP of the same name.

Dipping between funky reggae-laced verses and a huge chorus that is difficult to shake after a couple of listens (trust us we’ve tried), the track’s lyrics centre around ideas of failure, disappointment and repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It’s a track that you can both sing-along to and have a little boogie to, if that’s what you’re into, of course.

Hooning around town in the video, the four-piece give us a bit of insight into life in a coastal town for young lads. It’s part surf, part drinking/smoking and heaps of mucking about. “It’s a day in the life of four hungover drongos doing stupid shit in a bid to depict the meaning behind their title tack ‘Circles,’” singer Danny Alcorn says.

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