Video Premiere: Smile Don’t Smile Drop 80’s Inspired Debut ‘Ashleigh’
Words by Harry Webber November 23, 2018

The Sydney outfit deliver a noirish debut video.

Soft pink and green lights, loads of slow-mo, a prom dress and a vintage film filter, you could be forgiven for thinking Smile Don’t Smile’s video for Ashleigh was lost footage from a Rick Astley video. Listening to the lush production on the track, however, it quickly becomes clear that these guys, and their music is the real deal.

‘Ashleigh’ sways between brooding verses and dreamy choruses, in a way that allows singer Daniel May’s vocals to completely entrance, pushing and pulling us along as we become embedded in his tale of obsession. Despite its commerciability, there’s a Smiths-like depth to their track, and it would be rich to label it merely as a ‘pop’ track – it’s much more.

Rarely do you see a group that is comfortable enough to wear their influences on their sleeve and then go on to pull off a clip like this with such precision. It’s definitely got us looking forward to hearing more from Smile Don’t Smile. Stay tuned.

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