Watch: Dave Grohl Sings ‘Everlong’ To Nurse Recovering From COVID-19
April 29, 2020

Image via David Brendan Hall //

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Its definitely been interesting to see the late night shows adapt to COVID-19, with hosts like Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and Seth Meyers taking to their living rooms to give the world the dose of hilarity and news that they need.

It’s definitely forced the hosts to think on their feet, but it’s safe to say Jimmy Kimmel is winning by a landslide, introducing a super wholesome segment where he pays tribute to a “healthcare hero” every week.

The most recent episode saw Kimmel talking to a nurse from New York City named TJ Riley who contracted the virus while looking after patients. He also estimated that around 60 percent of his coworkers had also contracted COVID-19, which shows how damn hard healthcare professionals are working to beat this virus while looking after everyone. TJ also happens to be a huge Foo Fighters fan, which Kimmel was very aware of.

After the personal update, Foo Fighters legend Dave Grohl decided to crash the video call, which absolutely made the his day. Pulling out out his guitar to perform Foo Fighters classic ‘Everlong’, you can tell TJ is lightyears above cloud nine. Grohl then thanked TJ for all his hard work as well as Kimmel for paying tribute to healthcare professionals. Kimmel also thanked TJ in his own way, teaming up with Life Is Good to give TJ $10,000 as well as give gift packages to other nurses in his department.

Super wholesome, check out the video below to start your day on the most heartwarming note.

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