Pornhub Is Giving Everyone In Italy Free Premium Access
Silver linings right?
March 13, 2020

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Gotta pass the time somehow…

With Coronavirus cancelling basketball games, postponing festivals and just wreaking havoc across the world in general, it’s fair to say this is the time when we all need to band together. Pornhub is fully aware of this, and are desperate to do their bit, to chip in so to say, giving the population of Italy free premium access during their nationwide quarantine.


Now hold on, before you get up in arms and say “What about us?!” Italy is literally on a country wide quarantine right now, with all shops closed outside of pharmacies and groceries. To make matters worse, those who violate quarantine have been threatened with legal action, threatening either three months imprisonment or a fine of €2,500 ($2,800). To make matters even worse, those who break quarantine and pass the virus onto someone who goes on to die could be charged with murder. Straight up wild hey.

“Pornhub has decided to donate its Modelhub March revenue to help Italy overcome the emergency,” says a message when you open the site in Italy. “To keep you company at home during these weeks, you’ll be able to access Pornhub Premium for free for the whole month, with no need for a credit card.” Look, if there was ever a way to make cabin fever go by, this is probably right up there.

Kudos to Pornhub for looking after their Italian customers. To our Italian readers out there, stay breezy.

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