Quarantine Life Can Lead To An Insane Increase In TV Viewing
March 17, 2020

Image via variety.com //

Dangerous day to be a Netflix account…

No surprises here, but TV viewing and streaming are gonna see a huge increase as more people begin to implement social distancing and self isolation. But you wouldn’t believe how much, as consumers who stay home increase their media consumption by approximately 60% – and even more in select cases, according to a Nielsen data analysis.

To give you the rundown, most of these consumers will engage in watching feature films, news and general format programming. they’ll also increase their streaming by approximately 61%.

Nielsen are basing this on a data total of TV usage in America during Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and a blizzard in the Northestern U.S. During Hurricane Harvey, total TV viewing in the surrounding area rose by 56% whilst during the blizzard TV viewing rose by 45%.

Buckle up folks, start making lists of shows to catch up on, and those shows you’ve always meant to get around seeing but for whatever reason haven’t. Looks like you’re gonna have plenty of time to do all of the above in the coming weeks…



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