‘Billions’ Star Asia Kate Dillon Is Pushing To End Gender-Specific Acting Categories
June 13, 2020

Big moves…

Billions star Asia Kate Dillon is definitely a trailblazer in their own right, constantly challenging gender conventions in various facets of the entertainment industry. After successfully submitting their name and being nominated in the supporting actor category at the Critics Choice Awards in 2017, it appears their work is far from over. Now, Dillon has written an open letter in Variety asking the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards to end the separation of actors into binary-gender categories, with Dillon stating that the genesis of the categories fails to prevent discrimination.

Their letter read “The distinction between male and female acting categories was implemented as a means of combating the chronic and systemic overlooking of cis-women, particulary white cis-women, when it came to acting awards. This was despite the fact that there were no other categories similarly revised (as in directoress, best female or best male director/cinematographer/sound designer, etc.) I say “particularly white cis-women” because it’s important to note how dangerous it has been to defend the separation of male and female acting categories, as well as other awards shows’ use of the actress category, as being motivated by wanting representation for all womxn (cis and trans alike). In fact, Black, POC, indigenous, trans, and disabled womxn are still the most underrepresented groups at any awards show.”

Dillon has stated that until the decision is made, they won’t be participating in the Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Motion Picture Nominating Committee, for which they’ve been selected to serve on this year.

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