Akon Announces $6 Billion Construction Plan For Akon City
Big moves.
June 17, 2020

Akon’s got big plans…

Remember that time Akon announced he was building his own city? Well, you probably figured that with the COVID-19 virus wreaking havoc on world economies, those plans would be pushed back or scrapped entirely. But then again, this is Akon we’re talking about. Flexing his godly talents in the arena of, well, city planning, the singer has announced that Akon City has secured a $6 billion construction contract. The city is reportedly on track to have it’s first two phases of development completed by 2029, which would be pretty impressive if they manage to get it done.

To break it down, Phase 1 will consist of the construction of roads, a Hamptons Hospital campus, a shopping centre, residences, hotels, a police station, a school, a waste facility and a solar power plant. If all goes to plan, the phase will be completed by the end of 2023.

Phase 2 will reportedly run from 2024 to 2029, which will see the city running exclusively on Akon cryptocurrency. The city will also be treated as a special tax zone with tax breaks given to it, in the hope of encouraging investment in the city by global parties.

KE, the US-based consulting and engineering firm that’s taking on the contract, is no rookie in the art of city building. The firm is currently in the process of constructing the $2 billion Mwale Medical and Technology City, a green-city based in Western Kenya. Construction began in 2014 and is expected to be complete by the end of this year. Fingers crossed we get to see Akon City in all of it’s glory real soon…

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