You’d Be Surprised At How Many Votes Kanye West Copped In The Election
Kanye 2024?
November 5, 2020

Strange times…

With the U.S. presidential election in a state of limbo while final votes are being counted, there’s one thing we definitely know for sure, and it’s that Kanye West will not be the next President.

The 43-year-old rapper entered the race relatively late, and thus failed to make it onto a heap of ballots across the nation, only ending up on 12 of them. However, in a surprising turn of events, Yeezy actually copped some votes in those 12 states, receiving just under 60,000 votes in total, with his strongest state being that of Tennessee.

But to put things in perspective, Donald Trump ended up with over 1.84 million votes in Tennessee, while Biden copped 1.1 million. Thus, they’re proper heavy hitters and outdid West by over a million votes, but it’s still crazy that that many people voted for the rapper. And yes, West did vote for himself, but due to some fucking confusing U.S. voter rules, his own vote won’t count, not unless he pays a fee to the state and files further paperwork. To be fair he didn’t make the ballot in Wyoming (where he voted) and thus voted for himself as a write in, so we do kind get it.

But still, it’s a pretty impressive feat, and no doubt Kanye would be feeling himself a bit after this, despite not ending up as the next president. Don’t be surprised if you see Yeezy gearing up to run in 2024 (I mean he’s already announced it on Twitter, so it must be true). Check out a full state-by-state breakdown of Yeezy’s votership below.

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