Globe Welcome Shaun Manners To The Team
Huge for the 23-year-old.
February 2, 2021

It’s a move backed by Taj and Dion.

It’s always nice when you see your mates get along. You get that wholesome feeling, like things have fallen into place perfectly. That’s pretty much how we’re feeling at the moment having heard the news the 23-year-old WA free surfer Shaun Manners has linked up with our favourite low-velocity action sports brand, Globe. Shaun has signed on as a head-to-toe ambassador, joining surfers Taj Burrow and Dion Agius, along with Mark Appleyard, Sammy Montano and Aaron Kim on the Globe Skate team.

“The first thing that caught my eye with Globe was their decision to set new standards for being ethical and sustainable. Their efforts to make a change really stood out,” Shaun said of the move. “The family vibe Globe has is something else that made the decision easier. I’ve always wanted to be a part of a company that still is directed by its original founders. I’m very excited to be riding for a company with such strong roots in surfing and skating history.”

Taj was also stoked to welcome to the Globe family. “I’ve seen Shaun surf since he was just a little grom, like 10, 11 years old,” Taj says. “I remember he was doing my contest, Small Fries, and I always thought he was such a cool grom. Never really thought he surfed that well, but just thought he was a cool kid. And then he’s just one of those talents that kinda came on late, I feel like, in the last 3 to 4 years. He’s just come in so hot and he just blows my mind. I just can’t believe how good he actually surfs right now. He’s incredible! And I just would have never picked it, I always just thought he was the kind of cool kid that surfed alright, had a good style. But yeah, next minute, he is just fucking charging the biggest pits and doing the biggest airs I think of anyone.”

Feast your eyes on Shaun’s collection here and take a look at the rest of Globe’s sustainable clobber while you’re there!

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