Watch: Australian Open Fan Kicked Out After Absolutely Roasting Rafael Nadal
February 12, 2021

Left image via Getty / Right image via AFP //

Rafa handled it like a pro though…

Continuing the ridiculousness and controversy that’s defined this year’s Australian Open, a punter has been booted from Rod Laver Arena after giving a bunch of undeserved shit to Rafael Nadal, during his face-off with Michael Mmoh.

She properly went in too, yelling “‘Hurry up you OCD f**k!” at him while he was gearing up for one of his serves (which he nailed by the way). The crowd seemed to be going through the motions though, first cheering for her but quickly changing to booing once they realised what wavelength she was on. She even flipped off old mate Rafa at one point, to which he, like the GOAT he is, brushed it off in classy style.

She was eventually booted from the arena, but lo and behold, she plans to return tonight and tomorrow, saying in an radio interview this morning that she “might need to go in disguise.”

She also took the time to double down on her criticism of Rafa, adding “I think he’s incredibly boring and he goes through all those OCD rituals all the time.

“The very fact that apparently pictures of me have gone viral, even around the world, reflects on how incredibly boring his matches are, because why would you want to focus on a spectator?”

But then again, she’s clearly no ordinary spectator. Watch the full exchange between Rafa and the self-proclaimed “tennis aficionado” below:

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