Everyone On Twitter Has Become A Conspiracy Theorist After Jake Paul Beat Ben Askren
Of course.
April 19, 2021

They’ve got some solid proof though…

Continuing to turn the art of boxing into a media extravaganza that isn’t about the sport, Youtuber Jake Paul and longtime wrestler/mixed martial artist Ben Askren faced off over the weekend, and not surprisingly, no one actually believes the result.

More specifically, no one believes that Jake Paul was actually able to pull off a TKO against Askren. What makes it more outrageous is that this happened in the first round, which is just straight up insane. What is more likely however, is that Askren threw the fight for a payday, a theory which seems to be extremely believable at this point.

If you’re not familiar with Ben Askren, he’s a former Olympic wrestler with a 19-2 career in the UFC. You’d think he’d have a field day with this fight, but Paul came flying out the gates with haymakers at the start of the first round, a move Askren obviously didn’t see coming. Sure, Askren isn’t a boxer so to say, but he’s got a crazy MMA background and just off shear skill alone should’ve dominated Paul.

However, now Twitter users have got their conspiracy hats on and are referencing a fight where Askren got absolutely mauled while on the ground, but was inevitably able to rise to the occasion and beat a fellow UFC professional. Thus, if he was able to overcome those odds, how in the flying fuck did he let some YouTuber that no one likes beat him? But we’ll let you decide for yourself, check out Twitter’s conspiracy theories below:




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