Who Would You Take On A Deserted Island? : The Illustrator
Presented by Corona Extra.
June 29, 2015

Everyone’s favourite summer beer company Corona Extra are offering readers and drinkers a once-in-a-life-time trip to a literally deserted island with nine of your closest mates, the opportunity poses the age old question – just who would you take? Life Without Andy has put together our dream list of models, musicians, bloggers, surfers and designers that’d we’d gladly get stuck alongside on the remote Namotu Island, Fiji.

Known as ‘Kozyndan’, the husband and wife team are responsible for some of your favourite album covers, tour art and their own hyperreal, colourful collections of artwork that take inspiration from their travels across the globe, with a healthy dose of imagination of course. Who doesn’t want a bathers Friday in the Sydney’s CBD? Be it bunny skulls, babes or creatures from the depths of the sea, or even aliens invading well-loved Australian tourist spots, Kozy and Dan would be our pick of artists to take along our own private island. Even if just to see them create one of their sprawling pieces first hand.

1. Travelling around the globe in search of inspiration – Kozyndan are no strangers to adventures:

2. With their incredible artistic talent, you’d be sending postcards home that friends and family would actually read.

3. Kozyndan take their inspiration by creating incredible photoshoots – they’d document your deserted island stay like no one else.

4. Island hut decoration/watch them for hours creating murals:

5. With the LSD-like imagination Kozyndan have, they’d be great story-tellers.

Editors Pick