Steph Curry, Ray Allen & Larry David Play Golf With Obama
All stars and stripes.
August 17, 2015

Despite greying hair follicles it seems as though being the president of the ‘free world’ has it’s perks. One positive? Choosing your own golf partners.

According to the Washington post Mr Barack Hussein Obama II has been spotted playing multiple rounds at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs over the past week. His posse? There’s that round he played with Larry David aka Curb Your Enthusiasm / Seinfeld mastermind.


Obviously all the props go to Larry for staying g with his footwear choice.

And then there’s Friday’s round with Ray Allen and the NBA’s 14/15 MVP Steph Curry. Seemingly a bizarre pick of course buddies considering the pair’s extremely notable hand-eye coordination. Maybe the POTUS doesn’t mind letting a couple of games slip in the interest of transparency?

AP OBAMA A S BKN USA MA*Unconfirmed dialog
Ray Allen: “Yo Baz, we need some tints, there’s papz about.”
POTUS: “Don’t sweat it Ray if we hit a left into the shrubs I’ve got a drone bringing us some maccas.”


POTUS: “Fehk, are you serious? We can find Bin Laden but a man can’t even get a drone to drop off a happy meal!?”


Steph Curry: “Dadddd, you said we booked the pope mobile!”


S.C: “Don’t talk to me. I’m still cut you got the wrong cart.”
POTUS: “Plzzz! I’m nearly god remember?”

Apologetically we can’t tell you who won but we can remind you about the time Steph Curry won his first ring… 27 minutes of reminders to be exact.


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