Mad Love, Ep. 16: The Bombastic Style Of Sydney Artist, Sid Tapia
Appearing at the adidas x Juxtapoz show in Miami.
Mad Love
December 13, 2017

By Andrew Yee & Chris Yee //

Sid Tapia is a living embodiment of Sydney’s counter-cultures.

He’s had a long and storied career that spans the rise of hip-hop and graffiti in the 80s, the boom of skating in the 90s, to currently being a full-time artist, made all the more impressive by representing Crown St, Surry Hills the whole damn time.

Renowned for his borderline photo realistic style mixed with his colourful and bombastic graff pieces, Sid’s work can be seen everywhere and anywhere. With the steady increase in attention and momentum, he was recently chosen as the sole Australian artist at the adidas Showcase/Juxtapoz Clubhouse in Miami, bringing a bit of that Sydney style to the leather-skinned goers of South Beach!

So shout outs to Sid, Sydney Legend and all around insightful/inspirational guy! Bao:

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