Breaking News: ‘Shoeys’ Now Have Their Own Wikipedia Page
Cementing themselves as a proud Australian practice.
November 1, 2016

If you live in Australia and consider yourself a party animal, then it’s likely that you’ve succumbed to peer pressure at least once and drunk an alcoholic beverage out of a shoe.

Now, it seems as though the meteoric rise of shoeys – fuelled by big-name enthusiasts like Dillon Francis, Dune Rats & Cut Snake – have earned the phenomenon a Wikipedia page, cementing them as a proud Australian practice whereby everyone can unleash their inner bogan.

As highlighted by Pedestrian.TV, the Wikipedia page references mainstream renditions of the shoey and also includes instructions on how to complete one, just in case drinking beer out of a shoe seems like rocket science. Oh yeah, the Wikipedia header image on the article is a guy drinking out of a pair of Etnies. People still wear Etnies? Huge! We back this 110%.

You can read the entire Wikipedia entry right here. To celebrate the occasion, here’s a few shoey photographs we found in the archives. Now, go ahead and drink a warm XXXX out of your Etnies, because you’ll still have more dignity than 87% of the people celebrating the Melbourne Cup:

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