California Man Uses Beer To Put Out Wildfires Near His Home
Respect x 1000.
August 24, 2020

Images via KCRA //

Someone get this man a sponsorship…

With wildfires raging across California and decimating all in their path, a lone man has done the unthinkable, and as a result, this is probably the only time that drinking watered-down beer is gonna be something to flex about. Specifically, Chad Little, from Vacaville in California, made the choice to stay with his California home as his family was getting ready to leave, after already losing their home to fire five years ago.

“It was crazy. Everybody’s on propane tanks. It was like a war zone. Boom. Boom. This happens, and I’m like, ‘No, I can’t. I can’t let it go.'”

With all of his cars ending up burnt out and having the fires reach his workshop, Chad seemed pretty much helpless to stop it due to a total lack of water. However, luckily for his house, Chad’s a rather big fan of the bevvys, specifically Bud Light, and had a crate of those badboys just lying around. They seemed to more than work the trick, extinguishing the flames around his home with relative ease.

“When I ripped up the sheet metal, it had a nail, so I was just shaking it up, popping it just and spraying them, popping it out and grabbing another one.”

“My buddies all tease me about drinking water beer, and I say, ‘Hey, saved my shop.'” He’s not wrong. Big respect to old mate for saving his home with beer, I guarantee you no-ones gonna give you shit for drinking Bud Light any time soon…

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