Canadian Club Are Shouting You A Load Of Drinks To Make Up For This Shitty Year
Later, 2020.
October 22, 2020

Finally some good news.

If I were to count the times I’ve thought “I could use a drink” this year I’d need a bloody calculator. No one expected 2020 to come along and beat the crap out of us with the bushfires, coronavirus, and you partner walking out the door (probably), but here we are. Safe to say it’s been a bloody shocker, but thankfully Canadian Club are here to turn the tide and re-set us on a path to glory with a huge giveaway.

Like fires need the rain, Aussies need some liquid relief, and CC are handing out 12,000 Summer 6-Packs to share with your mates, featuring a C.C. bucket hat for staying fashionably sun safe in the summer heat, plus your choice of a C.C. 6-pack of Zero Sugar Dry or Dry, delivered right to your front door!

To enter the comp, which closes Nov 5th, all you have to do is register here and tell them in 25 words or less who you want to share your CC with this summer – simple! And stay tuned to Canadian Club socials where they’ll be giving away 55,000 C.C. schooners to claim across national venues on Sunday 6th Dec!

Things are finally starting to look up…

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