Kmart Are Selling A Toy Vlogger Kit For Kids…
Start them young.
Words by Amar Gera August 17, 2022

Images via Kmart // 

Just when you thought we already had enough influencers in the world…

In another instalment of big corporations doing anything to make a quick buck, Aussie department store Kmart is making waves for it’s new toy vlogger set aimed at kids who “love taking pictures and videos”.

Made up of six wooden blocks, the set features a toy mobile phone, camera, selfie stick, influencer light and a tripod, along with a canvas backpack to take it all on the go. It’s already copping some serious backlash online, with numerous commenters calling out Kmart’s glorification of influencer culture and premature indoctrination of kids (from three-year-old onwards!) into social media.

However, it seems people’s grievances with the store and product are doing little to slow sales, with the toys currently sold out online. It’s not even the first time a store has gone this route however, with Little Sprout similarly selling an influencer-inspired toy set which features a camera, ring light, microphone, selfie stick and more.

Looks like society will be filled with influencers before we know it. Check out the toy in full above.

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