Facebook Is Merging Messenger & Instagram DMs
October 1, 2020

Image via Facebook //

Wonder how the world is gonna take this…

After first revealing his plan to merge Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp in 2019, Mark Zuckerberg is today one step closer to achieving his grand goal, announcing that Users across both Facebook Messenger and Instagram will be able to message each other directly.

The move comes after Zuckerberg’s stressing that the move would benefit users by being able to contact each other on other services, with the end goal enabling users to be able to message a larger section of people across the various apps.

Users first started being able to send messages between Insta and Facebook Messenger earlier in the year, but now the feature will be available to all users in the next few weeks. It’ll definitely be interesting to see the world’s reaction as we get used to the new norm. Check out some early reactions below.

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