Matthew McConaughey Finally Caves In & Starts A YouTube Channel
Gonna have so many gems.
March 17, 2021

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After his recent book release Green Lights and his extensive promotional efforts for it that saw him talk to Internet personalities such as Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson, it seems Matthew McConaughey has gotten a taste for the YouTube world, and he’s jumping all the way in. Now, the Oscar winner is pulling a Will Smith and starting his own YouTube channel. However, unlike Smith’s channel, McConaughey’s will share his life philosophies along wth tips to “Just keep living,” opting for more serious subject matter as opposed to fun and pranks.

Speaking on the new channel, the Hollywood hunk described it as “a destination where I’m going to share who I am, who I’m not, what I believe in, what I don’t, what I’m doing, what I’m not doing, along with some approaches to life that I’ve found useful and constructive along the way.”

Thus, it seems viewers will be getting “prescriptions in the art of living” which old mate used himself to get where he is today and to “navigate this rodeo we all live in.” You can’t get more Southern than that damn. 

“Hopefully, it’s gonna be all killa, no filla!” he added. “With some raps and rhymes that can help you get back on time, put a little reason to your rhyme. Some food for thought, with a sip of wine.” Pretty hilarious. Check out his full announcement below. 

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