Swans And Dolphins Have Returned To The Waterways Of Italy Amidst Lockdown
Nature taking back.
March 19, 2020

With Italy in lockdown, it seems nature is reclaiming its place.

Currently in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic, Italian citizens have been videoed singing, exercising and partying in isolation from their balcony apartments. It’s been an uplifting sight in a country that has so far been ravaged by the virus, and now we have some more not-so-gloomy news to hopefully make your isolation a little less sad…

With human’s in Italy locked up inside, animals have begun to reclaim territory that has either been crowded or polluted by humans. Dolphins have been seen swimming in the port of Calgary, whilst the undisturbed waters of the Venice canals have allowed sediment to sink to the bottom, meaning fish can be seen swimming in the turquoise waters.

Swans have also returned to the canal and ducks have been seen in the fountains of Rome as shown in the tweets below:

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