Tell Ya Mates: Mario Kart Mobile Game Is Getting A Multiplayer Update This Weekend
Ima gonna win.
March 3, 2020

Time to reignite those old beefs.

Having launched back in September, Mario Kart Tour, the mobile version of Nintendo’s Mario Kart, have just announced that they will be allowing users of the game to play in online races versus other users, including their friends.
The update is going live at 11pm Sunday March 8th (which we are assuming is US time) so start making a list of who has been talking Mario Kart smack over the years and maybe even do a few serious days training to make sure you’re up to scratch yourself.

Mario Kart Tour, which was the most downloaded game of 2019, has been a massive hit for Nintendo, with this good news surely inciting a further boost in popularity. I know I spent way too much of my childhood staring at the screen playing this game and it’s looking like it’s gonna once again become a massive distraction…

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