Tesla Cybertruck Gets Camper-Style Makeover
We need this.
April 16, 2020

Header image via Tesla / Article images via Joeguy07 //

Elon Musk please make this a reality…

Elon Musk’s Tesla Cybertruck has blown minds everywhere it’s gone ever since it was introduced into the culture. So much so that its inspired fans to reimagine the truck as a “Cyberbike” or “Cyberhouse”. However, none have dared venture into the territory of camper van. None till today.

The makeover was carried out by a user named Joeguy07 who is part of the Cybertruck Owners Club Forum (that without a doubt is one of the coolest clubs we’ve ever heard of), who’s managed to integrate both a solo and duo cab into the bed of the beloved truck.

The rendering stays true to the quintessential camper van, featuring some classic cab windows, whilst seamlessly blending it with the aesthetic of the original Cybertruck.

Although the Cybertruck won’t be released until next year, at least we’ve got beautiful renderings like this to keep us busy whilst awaiting its release. Also, Elon if you’re reading this, you should definitely make a couple of these, there’s a whole nation over here that is going to be heading off on camping trips and interstate travel once these restrictions are lifted, and our roads would sure look a hell of a lot better with these beauties on them…



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