Tesla Is Now The Most Valuable Car Company In The World
June 19, 2020

Image via Tesla //

Those Cybertrucks must be selling quick…

In news that probably has Elon Musk dancing around his living room, Tesla has surpassed Toyota to become the most valuable car company in the world. As of June 2020, Tesla is currently valued at $183 billion, while Toyota is valued at $176 billion.

It’s pretty impressive, with Tesla increasing it’s value by a whopping 375% since this time last year, selling more cars in 2019 than it had in the previous two years combined. The company also saw a huge stock surge in January 2020, which led to it surpassing the word of Ford and GM combined.

The other top spots are dominated by companies like Volkswagen at number three ($84 billion), Honda at number four ($45 billion) and Daimler at number five ($44 billion).

A large reason why Tesla continues to increase in value is it’s insane production capacity, consistently opening factories in the US and around the world, with the opening of Gigafactories in Berlin and Shanghai on the agenda as well. No doubt they’ll continue to rise in value and production as long as the wizard himself Elon Musk is at the helm…

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