We’ve Found Australia’s Tastiest Non-Alc Bev – Dayse ‘Functional Spritz’
Drinks for dayse...
February 24, 2023

Is there a worse feeling than hangxiety?

You know that feeling the morning after a big one on the sauce where you slowly start to remember all the embarrassing/stupid/uncharacteristically rude things that you did the night before. Each little recollection is like getting stabbed with a dagger laced with cringe, as you ask yourself “why the fuck did I say/do that?!” over and over again.

Of course, we know that more often than not, the answer is alcohol. And now, with non-drinking becoming more and more common and people simply over ruining their weekend with hangxiety, everyone is looking for alternative dranks to sip on. It just so happens that we’ve stumbled upon the best one in Australia: Dayse.


The new off-shoot from Byron Bay’s Organica Beverage Co is shaking (not stirring) up the alcohol industry with its innovative “Functional Spritz” category, providing a healthier alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks. Co-founded by surfers Jack Freestone and Alana Blanchard, Dayse infuses its drinks with plant-based extracts, tailored to provide positive effects on both the mind and body. By incorporating adaptogens and nootropics, their spritzers offer a range of functional extracts that can help ease stress and anxiety while assisting with heightened mental clarity and energy levels. The ethos behind it is simple: enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle without compromising on the fun.

Dayse is dedicated to exploring the vast realm of functional extracts, crafting unique and exciting new drinks that offer desired effects for their customers. Organica CEO, Tom Woolley, believes Dayse is the future of drinking as their premium spritzers are not only free of alcohol, but contain wellness extracts that positively impact consumers. “Our mission with Dayse is to continue crafting innovative and premium adult drinks that offer a positive effect without the regrets that are often associated with alcohol,” says Woolley.

Dayse’s co-founders, Jack Freestone and Alana Blanchard, are driven by a desire to replace the need for alcohol in social settings with healthier alternatives. “Dayse is all about making sure we never lose those good times while also valuing our health and active lifestyle,” says Freestone. With Dayse, they aim to spearhead a movement towards mindful consumption and healthier lifestyle choices, driven by innovative functional extracts. Jack and Alana believe that Dayse is just the beginning of a shift in the way we approach our social relationship with alcohol.

With their dedication to crafting innovative and premium adult drinks that offer a positive effect, Dayse is poised to revolutionise the beverage industry – head here to shop Dayse now!

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