goodthankyou Unleashes Fuzztastic ‘Pray At Your Altar’ From Secret Kennards Recording
Music news presented by Boost Mobile.
Words by Harry Webber January 30, 2024

Image by Lachlan Ewbank //

The new artist alarm is currently screaming.

In a good way, ya know? That’s because we’ve just stumbled upon the solo work of The Stiffys’ Jason John Leigh AKA goodthankyou. Specifically, we’ve just had our ears assaulted (again, in a good way) by his fuzzy thumper of a track, ‘Pray At Your Altar’.

The tune is driven by some powerful riffery from the drums and bass which were of course recorded in at Kennards shed in an undisclosed location. On top of that, Leigh’s vocals are reminiscent of Dan Auberach’s anguished wailing mixed with James Murphy’s spikiness. Lyrically, it’s an undying homage to the opposite sex, with bite-sized lines that sound like their being spat out by a man in the deepest throes of obsession.

“This track began as something completely different until the magic mushrooms kicked in,” Leigh shares. “It started as some overthought intellectual drum and bass thing and then became a primal sweaty sex track. ‘Pray At Your Altar’ marvels at women; how love costs them so much more. How reckless and brave it is for them to fall in love and how our species relies on them ripping their hearts, lives and bodies apart for it. It comes at the end of an album about growing up.”

Have you become attached to the saga that is the featured ball an its relationship woes? Well, fear not. As director Tim Hamilton explains, “The bouncing ball, unfortunately, is overworked and has marital issues… Jason and I have shared an aesthetic for a while and long appreciated each other’s work. The karaoke film idea came about over a few beers and we were really excited to split the story out into three parts, because it’s just too difficult to explain the story of an inanimate ball within a three minute window.”

Follow goodthankyou on Instagram here for the next instalment for what we’re The Inner City Adventures Of A Red Ball Who Has Issues At Home But Can Drive A Car And Gets To Listen To Good Music Which Is Pretty Cool Show.

Music news presented by Boost Mobile.

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