Interview: The Pretty Littles Chat Leftovers, Social Responsibility And Their ‘Skeleton Run’ LP
Tour starts tonight!
Words by Harry Webber October 19, 2018

With their fifth record Skeleton Run seeing the band chart deeper waters, we caught up with Jack from The Pretty Littles to make sure they weren’t taking themselves too seriously.

Over the years we’ve seen many established bands fall into a bit of a trap when it comes to their fourth and fifth albums. Their fans know what to expect, the artist knows how to give it to them, no one is really challenging anyone, and it gets a little bit repetitive. Refreshingly, Melbourne garage rockers The Pretty Littles have bucked that trend, releasing an album that pushes their sound even further.

Dealing with topics like suicide, structural racism and asylum seekers, the group have shown they aren’t going to lie down and watch the world around them fall apart. The result is Skeleton Run – half an hour of gritty rock with a heavy heart and messages that will stick with you long after the mosh is over.

You can catch The Pretty Littles around the country on their Skeleton Run tour all October and November (info here), kicking off tonight at The Corner in Melbourne. And check out our interview with singer Jack Parsons below:

Firstly, what’s happening there on the record cover?

A freakin’ AMAZING slice o’ art from our mate MO. She rox. Everything she does rox. A tremendous artist and lovely gal.

Lyrically, Skeleton Run has some politically charged moments in it, which is a little different from what we’ve come to expect from you guys. Why have you guys taken this angle?

Hmm I dunno about that! I reckon that kinda of stuff took shape on Gospel with Religion Is My Favourite and Back Paddock Blues and Sinking Feeling and continued continued on Soft Rock with Sams Mob and Tall Man. Spose there has just been plenty of dumb shit songs in there too.

Do you think artists have a responsibility to be reactive to the world that we are living in?

Nah don’t reckon. I don’t reckon reactive stuff pans out that well anyway. Doesn’t date that well. Can lack reason. If things are too heated I reckon you’re too influenced and the song will be shit. BUT if the song is good, the song is good and then nothing matters, but it might be good for five minutes or five years or five decades.

Skeleton Run is your fifth album. What’s changed about the way you write songs since I’m Not From A Small Town?

Not a whole lot. Just the way we think about the songs and what we’re looking for in a song. Small Towns was a total fluke. It sounds WAY better than it should and the songs are great. There is some big slow ballads and some funny punky ones. Rudie really knocked that one out the park. Maybe not much has changed.

Someone has half an idea and then ya just flog it, get frustrated, record it on ya phone, go home and listen to it, think ya over the band completely, listen to it a week later and be totally into it and have a million new ideas and then finish it and ya can’t believe ya got there somehow.

What are you guys looking forward to on the tour?

Um. I dunno all the dumb stuff. Clock is a ticking. not far off the stage we’re we’d be the old drunk guys at a venue. Pretty murky water. Felt old as shit at FOTSUN last year. Lots of overalls with one strap down.

We recently saw a video of you guys eating scraps from a table at a pub. Is this your hot tip to save money on tour? Got any other ones?

Nah leftovers just rock. Unexpected food is WAY better than expected food fact. It loses its reference point. It’s always yum. Also doesn’t go in the bin. Is a mullah saver though. Otherwise we are the wrong people to ask about saving money on tour.

There’s an inescapable Aussie flavour to Skeleton Run. Where’s somewhere in Oz you guys would like to play that you haven’t got to yet?

Hobart or up in the snow. Noosa!

What is coming up for the rest of the year?

Lots of weddings.

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