Ten Hot Tips To Help You Get Through A Wet Camping Festival
Refresher course.
Words by Amar Gera July 20, 2022

Image via LEON NEAL / AFP / Getty Images //

Splendour in the Grass kicks off this Friday…

Well, we finally made it folks. After three painfully long years, Splendour in the Grass is finally set to take place this weekend. It’s been a long time since we’ve gotten the chance to party in the Byron Parklands, and understandably, we’re a bit out of practice when it comes to packing for the weekend affair. Add the fact that we’re likely to be subject to wet weather throughout it, and it’s safe to say we need a wet festival refresher course to set ourselves up for success.

So, we figured we’d help you get ready for Splendour in the Grass this weekend and recount a couple of must-haves you’ll need for the long-awaited return. Check it below.

Bring bags

Okay, before you get any funny ideas, we don’t mean THOSE bags (officially), but seriously, odds are you’re gonna be plagued by drenched clothing and rubbish during a wet camping festival. And of course, you’re not gonna want to lump those badboys in with your nice and dry items, hence, bring some plastic bags people.

If you see mud, just walk away bro

Of course, while one is shitfaced the overwhelming urge to be a public nuisance is at fever pitch. More often than not, this manifests at wet camping festivals in the form of that one dickhead who fully launches themselves into a mud pit. Aside from coming away looking like a walking shit stain, you’ll stink up your campsite and your mates would be well within their rights to leave you in the dust (or mud, as it were). Long story short: If you see mud, just walk away bro.

Don’t be that one egg who forgets their umbrella

I almost didn’t include this one just for how obvious it is for a wet camping festival, but of course, in the midst of the pre-festi excitement you’d be forgiven for forgetting one of the most important items of them all. So there’s your reminder folks. Bring a damn umbrella.

Have a million towels and tarps at the ready

You should already be bringing these two even if there was no chance of rain, but still, there’s no telling how useful a towel and tarp will be amongst the elements. Wipe yourself off with the former and create a makeshift porch with the latter (or give your car some much-needed protection from the elements). The two are must-haves this coming festival season. Don’t sleep on them (or do, if they’re dry of course).

Prepare for ALL possible weather conditions 

Although this article is focused on getting you ready for the camping festivals, make no mistake, that sun could still make a sneak appearance in amongst the madness. And you want to be prepared to fight off those pesky UV rays if the time calls for it, hence why you should pack a bottle or two of Sun Bum sunscreen and face lotion. I know basic hygiene pretty much goes out the window a day or two into a camping festival, but considering both lotions absorb into your skin almost immediately and leave you feeling replenished and protected, it’s a no-brainer.

Give up on the picture perfect IG post

Call me pessimistic, but trying to force those dream camping festival IG picks in the rain is not a vibe in the slightest. Sorry to break it to you, but you’re not gonna get that one in a million sun flare or candid look at your nearest and dearest while it’s pissing cats and dogs all over the place. Play it safe and find some poor sucker with a decked out van/makeshift photo booth in the campsite. You’ll thank us later:

Image via Amy Sussman / Getty Images //

 Put the darker side of your wardrobe to use

This goes hand in hand with our previous point. Dark clothing is definitely the way to go if you’re trekking it to a camping festival. Not only will it stop mud from congregating all over your clothing, but it’ll help you maximise warmth due to the colour’s inherent ability to absorb heat. A bit of science for your Wednesday arvo, you’re welcome!

Invest in a proper tent

Look, we all know just how appealing a $15 Kmart tent is, especially when you’ve pretty much emptied the bank on festival tickets alone. But trust us, you don’t want to be stuck inside a barely alive tent while the rain is pounding down outside (or coming to find it blown the hell away after a night of debauchery). Spend a little extra and get yourself not only a solid foundation, awning and porch, but peace of mind.

Bite the bullet and bring your crocs

As far as essentials are for a wet camping festival, you can’t go past a fresh pair of crocs. Whether you’re trekking through a wet campsite or freshening up in one of those freezing festival showers, your feet will be very appreciative. Add the fact that they’re customisable with Jibbitz and feel like literal clouds to walk on and, well, do we need to say more?

Go in with a can do attitude

We thought we’d save the cheesiest (and most important) to last. A wet camping festival is no simple thing. It can go so far as to test your absolute limits, especially when you’re wading through mud or waves of rain to see your favourite artist. But remember people, it’ll only dampen your time if you let it (both literally and figuratively of course). So be prepared, pack well, and for god’s sake, get your boogie on.


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