Some Legend Remade A Scene From ‘The Matrix’ With Lego
A work of art.
March 23, 2015

While The Lego Movie was released last year to warm reviews, some dedicated fans have been creating block-filled remakes of the classics – and this scene from The Matrix just might be the best of them all.

Using Lego and some commendable animation skills, the lobby fight scene from The Matrix is given a cute makeover filled with gunshots, blood and lots of guns. We’ve never seen Neo and Trinity kick ass like this before, and we’re very glad that we’ve now seen the light.

This is 267 seconds of your life that you’ll be very glad you wasted. Watch the Lego version and original below, and admire how fucking sick Neo’s trenchcoat looks. Someone get the creator of this video a schooner and a gold medal:


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