LeBron James Reacts To Barack Obama Sinking Smooth Three-Pointer
All net!
November 2, 2020

Left image via Jim McIsaac/ Getty Images //

Barack has mad skills…

It feels like a lifetime ago that Barack Obama was president of the U.S., but damn, I think we tend to forget what a cool due he was and still is. The 59-year-old took the liberty of reminding us of that recently during a campaign stop, sinking a dope three-pointer while walking through a gym with his political allies.

Lining it up and sinking it perfectly, Barack made it look easy as he showed off that gorgeous jump shot, then turning around and yelling “That’s what I do” as he walked out of the gym.

The clip has drawn mad love from fans online, but perhaps the best reaction to it has come from the GOAT himself King James, reposting the video with the caption “Now you just showing out now my friend. That’s what you do huh?? Ok ok I see. All cash!”

Pretty sick, check out some hilarious reactions to the clip below.

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