Words by Harry Webber November 1, 2019

When you’re as talented as Anthony Acosta, even your B-Roll is wild.

Having spent the past 15 years travelling the world shooting the greatest skateboarders on the planet, it’s fair to say that Anthony Acosta is at the top of his game. The calibre of pros who trust him to get that perfect shot speaks for itself; Tony Trujillo, Daewon Song, Geoff Rowley, the late Dylan Reider and many more have all found their way in front of his lens.

We’re stoked to be kicking off a brand new monthly segment wherein Anthony shares some of his B-Roll shots (which are about as epic as they come) with us. So take a look at the pics below and strap yourself in for a hell of a ride over the coming months. Oh, and don’t forget to follow Anthony on Instagram right here:

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