The Olympic Games Have Been Postponed To 2021
March 31, 2020

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Good things come to those who wait right…

After weeks of speculation and reorganisation, the organisers of the 2020 Olympics have finally organised a new date for the global sports bash, pushing the opening ceremony back to July 23, 2021. The new date is almost exactly a year after the games were meant to start this year on July 24.

Fun fact: It;s the first time an Olympics has ever been postponed, although there were several cancellations during WW2.

The costs of pushing the Olympics back have been estimated to be as high as $4 billion, which would cover maintaining stadiums, refitting them, paying penalties and other costs. All up Japan will be spending approximately $12.6 billion to organise the Olympics, with $5.6 billion being sourced from a privately funded operating budget.

At least we have a date now. Safe to say that we can’t wait to kick back with a bevy and watch homegrown athletes kill it on the global stage. Im definitely not exaggerating when I say July 23 can’t come fast enough.

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