Racing Australia Got Trolled By Some ‘Sexually Explicit’ Race Horse Names
January 4, 2021

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Nothing like some good old-fashioned trolling to start your week…

Despite all the seriousness of the current COVID-19 situation across the country, it seems Racing Australia is still finding time to get their fix, with Deagon Racecourse in the outer suburbs of Brisbane capping off 2020 with a bit of competition. However, what they probably weren’t counting on was the power of trolls, which they were definitely reminded of when the names of two racehorses were announced over the speakers at a recent race meet.

Everything seemed to be going swimmingly until the eighth race saw the arrival of a horse named ‘Lovin’ Deqoque,’ which sounds quite a bit like ‘Loving De Cock.’ That horse finished fourth in that race, but don’t worry, as ‘Get On Deqoque’ finished second in the race after.

Naturally, fans were absolutely losing it at the names, but Racing Australia tried to save some face, insisting that the names were actually pronounced ‘Lovin’ De-quo’ and ‘Get On De-quo.’

Hilariously, the whole situation drew so much attention that Racing Australia CEO Myles Forman was forced to comment, saying that “We contact the owners when they lodge the names to make sure we know how the horse names are pronounced and what the meaning of the name is. And in this case it’s De-quo.”

Regardless, it seems the whole situation was too much for Racing Australia, with Forman stating that “Racing Australia has now reviewed the names and irrespective of how they are intended to be pronounced is working with the Owner for the names of the horses to be changed before they next race.”

Nothing like a bit of good old trolling to warm the soul. Check the names out below.

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