Rumours Surrounding Paul Gallen Vs Lucas Browne Gain Momentum After First Round Knockout
So surprising.
April 22, 2021

Definitely a result no one saw coming…

Rumours swirling around the Lucas Browne & Paul Gallen fight have all but exploded since Gallen’s surprising win, with reports of Lucas Browne failing to condition himself for a six-round fight gaining mad momentum after Gallen knocked him out in the first round (a round that only lasted just under 2 minutes). Now, Browne is copping heat from all corners of the boxing world, with commentators and even legends like Barry Michael telling him to quit the sport.

But thats not to take away from Gallen, the former NRL star landing some crazy combinations that would’ve knocked anyone off their rocker. But its Browne’s response and just general approach to the fight that’s got critics up in arms, being seen throwing unfocused counters that were nowhere near his usual standard. It’s all adding fuel to the fire, with pre-fight predictions suggesting that Browne wasn’t preparing for a six round fight, instead relying on his experience and superior punching power, a move that obviously didn’t play out well.

Now commentators left, right and centre are calling for Browne’s retirement, with Barry Michael himself saying “He showed no resilience whatsoever. His resilience is gone. When a fighter is shot, a fighter is shot. Lucas Browne should never consider venturing into a ring again.

“I think it should be the end. How’s he going to come back from that?”

But contrary to mainstream opinion, Browne stressed at the post-fight press conference that has still got a few fights left in him, a stark difference to Gallen’s press conference that was bubbling with optimism about the future rather than defending his future in the sport

Pretty wild, it’ll be interesting to see how Browne fairs against heavyweight Justis Huni before he competes in the Olympics in July, but time will tell whether he will even end up going through with the match. For now, relive the fight below to see one of the biggest upsets in Aussie boxing in recent memory.

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