$6.67 Plus Tax
Issue 2
Photos by October 10, 2014

The latest issue of $6.67 Plus Tax is all the great things about America wrapped into one neat webpage: babes, freedom, ocean and long stretches of the relentless road.

You’d be hard-pressed to not get a tingling sense of #FOMO after looking at these disposable images from Taylor Cardinio. There’s a cameo from our friend Paul Fisher of Cut Snake and also a motorcycle. Who the hell doesn’t like motorcycles?


Cait Barker in the middle of the desert with absolutely no service and no agenda.


Middle of the ocean in Nicaragua, pleading to an unfriendly forecast to have mercy on our pathetic boat.


Searching and absolutely scoring. A skateable drain pipe the size of your mother’s dream house.


Rikki Barton being a babe in some overpopulaed city in Orange County. Once she gets discovered by the right people she’s going to take off…quote that shit.


Free to cruise, cruising to get free. A friendly stranger’s prize possesion and only source of transportation.


Cailin & Luke… how cute. Again and again.


I got flipped off after taking this photo and that shit was sick. The dude drove a badass classic and was a classic badass. None of that poser shit. One of my favorites.


The city complained about the art that was put up on a wall, so this dude is doing his best in helping the city take it down. Sun, rain, repeat should take care of the rest.


Paul Fisher being Paul Fisher.


A steezy ass bomber by HotelCA, hot blonde and brick wall. Hipster photography DIY.

Editors Pick
Michael Park
Nat Geo-ready.
Aleksander Małachowski
Organised chaos.